Reflections of Hilo — The Pink Princess

Hilo Slumber is a song written by Timo. Its a song of hope and never giving up. While on the Big Island I became sick and almost died and still I had to be dragged out kicking and screaming getting on an airplane in a wheelchair. “never letting go of the love we promised” Timo […]

via Reflections of Hilo — The Pink Princess

Timo LIVE at the Rebel Bite in Long Beach CA

Saturday night Timo played an original show at the Rebel Bite in Long Beach CA. Not only did his songs make it original but so was the fact we were able to stream it. Check it out! And if you are a band, musician, artist and want your performances streaming live get in touch with us at

<br /><a href=”; style=”font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: normal; text-align: left;” target=”_blank”>Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream</a>





1. The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, ESPECIALLY to do something creative.
2. The drawing in of breath

Since Arms of Audio is starting again I began thinking of what the top questions are that we ask our special guests, artists, musicians, photographers, chefs. The first question I ask is “What INSPIRES you?” But until today I didn’t know the true definition of the word. I thought about my answers in the past and how across the board they were. The answer for me is now SIMPLE. Its one word. Aloha

The literal meaning of Aloha is “breath” or “breath of life.” How interesting that my inspiration coincides with the very meaning of the word. But Aloha still is even deeper than that. To know Aloha is to hold the key to live righteously in this natural world. Here is what the ancestors taught us…

“Aloha is being part of all and all being a part of me. Where there is pain it is my mine. Where there is joy it is also mine. I respect all that is a part of the Creator and part of me. I will not willfully harm anyone or anything. When food is needed I will take only my need and explain why its being taken. The earth, the sky, the sea are mine to care for, to cherish and to protect. This is Hawaiian. This is Aloha.

Its not my hands that paint canvas with colors and shadows, if it were my work would lack the inspiration of a great painting. It is the breath of my heart. It is the breath of Aloha that moves my hands. Because when I paint now that I am away from my home, I think about the divine inspiration that continues as the Islands grow bigger. I think of the rain. The hikes, the beach, the sand, all the flowers my husband surprised me with to wear in my hair. I think about the meaning of leis and how the fragrance and the beauty makes you forget for a time any pain. I create my own Hawaii where I live now. I think of what it important. Family “ohana” simple pleasures, staying in beautiful moments for as long as they last.

I look forward to a new season with Arms of Audio. A show about Art, Music and Life. I look forward to interviewing you and asking YOU….What inspires you friend?

Until then. AlohaRed Hibiscus Painting

Happy Aloha Friday- Grab a Mai Tai and Catch up on Arms of Audio [ArT, Music, Life]




I am sitting at Starbucks drinking an Iced Coffee watching the rain pour, trying to catch my breath from the last week on Arms of Audio. I decided on the coffee shop because my dishes are piled high, along with laundry and all the other typical house stuff has had to be totally neglected given the HIGH INTENSITY of our broadcast this week. So let me recap…

Religious Sundays

Sunday was “Easter” and the show was awesome and a little unconventional as we told you are faithful fans how Easter got started and then we had a bit of tif on whos creepier Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. Check it out and leave your comments 🙂


Kooking with KrisT

This was the best BY FAR EVER Kooking with KrisT. Why? Because Diane Worthington was my guest. Don’t know her? Here is the short version. Long considered an…

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Rock Band? We want you to BE HEARD so get in touch with us with your original music now!

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